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Compendium of Theses and Dissertations on Indian Birds

This is an open-access web portal on theses and dissertations of Indian ornithology from various institutions of higher education and research. This is an initiative of National Ornithological Databank (NOD) Cell, SACON and serves as a single reference window to the studies on Indian birds conducted as part of Ph.D., M.Phil., and M.Sc. courses in universities and other academic institutions.

Users may search the database with keywords (that may include terms referring to landscapes, habitats, bird species, bird behaviour, ecology, and conservation) to view the full citations of theses and dissertations with abstracts.

This is a work in progress. Kindly bring to our attention, if there are any missing works, with basic bibliographic information (and abstracts if possible) so that they can be added to the database. Please send us your suggestions and queries here.

Do you wish to index your thesis?

Please, send us the bibliographic details about your thesis including the abstract/summary.

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